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Starter Guide to Financial Planning - Dollar Knots
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5 Reasons Why I Should Not Buy Insurance

Skeptical about insurance? Never believe in it? You are not alone.
Nonetheless, here is an article that might change your mind on it.

Ultimate Guide To The Types Of Life Insurance

Confused with the different types of insurance? Read this article to find out the differences. 

What Kind Of Insurance Should I Get With My Extra $200 Every Month?

You know you want to get serious in planning your finances but you do not know where to start?
Read this article and you may find out where to begin.

Whole Life Vs Term Life

Understand the difference better and that might help you in deciding which should you get.
Click on the image to read more.


Severely Overweight And Rejected Everywhere. What Is My Next Step?

If you have been rejected by an insurance company due to the fact that you are severely overweight. here is an article that may help you find alternatives.
Click on image to read more.

How Does MediShield Life And Integrated Shield Plan Work Together?

Are they not the same? If not, how do they function together?
Click on the image to read more.


Let’s Discuss The Good and Bad Of Investment-Linked Policy

Ever wondered what is an Investment-Linked Policy?
Here is an article for you.

How Will The Change In The Health Insurance Policies Affect Me?

Even if you have a Shield Plan plus a Rider, you may no longer be able to walk out of the hospital "Free of Charge".
Click here and find out more.

Buy Term And Invest The Rest: Do You Really Know What You Are Doing?

You do need a balance of attack and defense when it comes to financial planning.
But, are you sure that your attacking plan is really working? Do you really have control over the attack?
Click on the image and find out more about Buy Term And Invest The Rest.

The Danger Of Changing Your Integrated Shield Plan

Heard of cases where they are not able to claim their hospital bills. Here is one of the reasons why.
Click here and find out more.


Are You Prepared For The Increase Of Health Insurance Premiums Every Year?

It is no secret that healthcare is expensive and so too are health insurance.
You may already have insurance but are you prepared to pay for the increased premium every year?

Here Is What You Need To Do Before You Start Investing

Excited to start investing? Well, you are not alone.
But here are a few things you need to do before jumping into the bandwagon. 

A Complete Guide Of Insurance That You Can Buy Online

Do you love online shopping? If it is a yes, you should know that you can buy insurance online as well.
Find out what types of insurance you can buy online here.

Here Is Why You Should Not Solely Rely On Your Company Medical Insurance

Good job, and good medical coverage. Happy you!
But if you fall sick and got retrenched simultaneously, what can you rely on to pay for the medical bills?

Breakdown Of Your Expenses During Retirement

Being young gives you a bit of a disadvantage of not knowing what your expenses will be when you retire.
Therefore, here is a complete breakdown of your retirement expenses. 

Crucial Reasons Why An Early Critical Illness Plan Is Superbly Important

Do you know what is the greatest asset? Yes, it is you. 
But what if you become critically ill and become unable to work? Can you still earn an income?
This article gives you more reasons why an Early Critical Illness plan is important.

Investing Your CPF Monies

If you are given a chance to invest your CPF money, where would you want to place it?
Look no further, click here and you will find out the various instruments that you can invest in. 

The Importance Of Nominating Your Insurance Policy

You have been diligently paying for your insurance policy and one day, unfortunately you passed on.
But how certain are you that your loved ones will get the death benefit of your insurance policy?
Thus, this article will highlight the importance of nominating your insurance policy.

The Risk Of Starting Your Retirement Planning In Your 40s

Start saving for retirement at 40 seems like the right time.
But how certain are you it is the indeed the right time? Find out more here!

The Usefulness Of Maternity Insurance

Contemplating on whether you should get a Maternity Insurance? Fret not. 
This article could help you decide. 

Unit Trust: The First Investment That A Millennial Should Start With

If only I could invest in both Equities & Bonds at the same time.
Hold on, isn't that what a Unit Trust is doing? Find out more about Unit Trust here. 

Complimentary Covid-19 Coverage

Have insurance policies with any of these insurance companies?
If yes, you are eligible for the extra Covid-19 coverage!