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Housing Matters - Dollar Knots
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Things You Should Know About BTO vs Resale: Part 1

The debate between which will be a better purchase is still ongoing. Therefore this article may help you in looking at this from another angle.

Things You Should Know About BTO vs Resale: Part 2

Need more reasons to which is a better buy? Do not worry, Part 2 is here to help.

The Process Of Buying A Build-To-Order (BTO) Flat

Here is the step-by-step guide to buying a Build-To-Order flat.
Click on the picture.

The Process Of Buying A Resale Flat

Here is a step-by-step guide to buying a Resale.
Click on the picture to read more

8 Must-Know Abouts When Buying A Resale Flat

Buying a Resale? Save a few bucks and even avoid some heartache in the future.

What Does It Mean By Leaving $20,000 In Your CPFOA When You Buy A House?

You are now able to leave $20,000 in your CPF Ordinary Account. Good news or Bad News?
Click here to find out more.

What Happens After Selling Your HDB?

If you wonder why you got such little cash proceeds from the sale of your HDB Flat, you might learn a thing or two from this article.
Find out of where the sale proceeds of your HDB goes through.

Questions You Need To Ask Yourself When Buying Your First Home

Your first home might be your most important home.
Click here and find out why.

HDB Loan vs Bank Loan: Which Is Better?

HDB  Loan or Bank Loan. There is no right answer but there is a right choice.
Thus click here and make sure you do make the right choice.

The Real Reason For The Hike Of HDB Flat Prices

Ever wondered why HDB flat prices were so high? We may have the answer to that question.

Process Of Renting Out Your HDB Flat

Been wanting to rent out you HDB Flat but not too sure how to go about it?
Well, we just made your life easier. You are one click away from being a landlord.

The “Must-be” Reasons Why Resale Flats Are More Expensive Than A BTO

It is no secret that Resale Flats are expensive. But have you asked yourself why?
Well, you will not be getting the full 99 years lease. Why are you paying more then?

Is An Executive Condominium (EC) A Better Residential Property Or Investment Property?

If given a choice, would you stay in an Executive Condominium (EC) or would you rather sell it?
Let's shed some light on this question. It may give you a different perspective on an EC.

8 Things You Should Know About The Proximity Housing Grant

Did you know that a single person can get the Proximity Housing Grant? Yes, it applies to both families and singles.
Find out more about the PHG here.

Here Is Why A Resale Flat Might Be A Regret

Larger space, better amenities. And you can even move in within the next few months.
But what is the REAL CATCH of buying a Resale flat?
Click here and find out more.

Minimum Occupancy Period (MOP): Why Is It 5 Years?

If you think that 5 years of not being able to sell your HDB flat is a long time, you might want to read this.
This article will share several reasons why the Minimum Occupancy Period (MOP) is 5 years.

8 Things To Be Aware Of When Upgrading Your Property

Eager to upgrade your home and lifestyle? Great!
Just make sure you do not fall these financial mistakes.
Click here to read more.

Finding Out Who Owns The HDB Flat When You Passed On

Quick question: Do you know what happens to your HDB flat when you passed on?
If you do not have the answer. you should read this article.

Key Things You Should Rethink Before Renovating Your First Home

Worried about your renovation expenses?
Fret not, here are some tips on how you can save a few bucks and still get your dream home.

Difference Between Joint-Tenancy & Tenancy-In-Common

Is your HDB flat under Joint-Tenancy OR Tenancy-In-Common?
It is benefecial if you find out about it. It will matter whether you can stay in it in the long run.