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Financial Thoughts - Dollar Knots
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I Am 25 And Single, Why Should I Buy insurance?

If you were offered an insurance plan and rejected it, just because you feel that you do not need it, you may want to read this one.

What Happens When My Parents Pass On?

Ever wondered what will happen when your parents are no longer around. Find out more here.

As A Muslim, How Does Faraidh Division Work?

Ever wondered what is Faraidh Division.
It is something normally discuss amongst the community and read this article gain some clarity of it.

What Is The Right Amount Of Emergency Fund?

Let us find out the use of an Emergency Fund and also round up the amount needed.
Click on image to read more.


Savings Plan, Is It Really Beneficial?

Bought a savings plan and now, doubting yourself if you really need it?
Click here and read more.

What Is The Backlash If I Do Not Have Sufficient Healthcare Coverage?

Getting a good healthcare coverage can clear your wallet but the lack of healthcare coverage can wipe out your entire savings account.


Money, Money, Money: 10 Things You Might Have Missed in 2018

Changes to the CPF Investment Scheme, New HDB rental policies and even an insurance plan that accepts pre-existing conditions.
Here are 10 Things That You Might Have Missed in 2018.

Am I Getting The Right Insurance?

Is that what you really need? Having doubts with your insurance policy?
Read this article and you might find it relatable.


10 Common Myths of Life Insurance: Singapore Edition

Have you ever been given false hope when it comes to insurance? Read this article and you might find out what went wrong.
You may even help a friend to avoid any mistake that had occured to you.

What Can I Do To Survive Through The Sandwiched Generation?

You can get 'killed' by a Sandwich. Yes, you are reading it right.
Click here and find out more about the "Sandwiched Generation"


Should I Spend $20,000 On My Wedding, Honeymoon or First Home?

Be it you want a grand wedding, an unforgettable honeymoon or just want to own that dream home, everyone has a limited budget. Thus, it comes to a point of choosing which seems to be worth it to you.
Lets put yourself in each perspective, and see which one will be a better decision.

Huge Things That Affect You Financially After The Wedding

"Congratulations, you are now legally husband and wife. Here is a debt of $500,000"
You might not realize this but this is actually true to most couples. Read more on what will affect you financially after the wedding.


Why Were You Told To Save Money?

We all know that we need to save for a Rainy Day. But have you thought through what exactly is that Rainy Day?
Let's debunk what exactly you are saving for.

What Is The Real Cost Of NOT Having A Shield Plan Rider?

It is expensive to pay for a shield plan rider. But you might lose more money than saving it if you do not have a shield plan rider.
Find out the consequences of not having a shield plan rider here.


Protecting Your Wallet While Traveling Overseas

Who hates flight delays? Or getting ill while on holiday? All that will cost you some money.
Find out how you can protect your dollars while traveling.

Lifetime Expenses Of Owning A Car

Did you know, in your lifetime, you will spend millions of dollars on your car?
Click here to look at the breakdown expenses of owning a car in your life.

What Is TDSR And How It Affects The Average Singaporean?

Total Debt Servicing Ratio. This might be the reason that blocks you from taking that loan you need to buy a new car.
Find out more about the TDSR right here.

What Is The Aftermath Of Buying Life Insurance Online?

Tried buying life insurance online before?
Whether you have or have not, you should know what it really means when buying life insurance online.

Ways To Protect Yourself When You Are A Private Hire Driver

Nowadays, being a private hire driver is a lucrative way to earn an income.
But, by being on the road, equally means that you are in quite a risky work environment.
Hence, here are some ways for you to be prepared if you are never able to drive again.

Important Insurance For Food Delivery Riders

The possibility of being involved in an accident is huge especially when you are always on the road.
Make sure to have personal accident coverage so that you can avoid the emotional and financial pain.

Miserable Things That May Happen To You If You Are A Food Delivery Rider

Forking out thousands of dollars for your medical treatment is definitely a huge hole in the pocket.
Rest easy, know the possible scenarios so you can be better prepared for it.

Worthwhile Insurance If You Work In The Food Delivery Business

Flexible hours and good income is the reason why you are doing the job. But what IF YOU CANNOT WORK?
No Plan B? Well this is one that would be worth it for you.

Complimentary Covid-19 Coverage

Have insurance policies with any of these insurance companies?
If yes, you are eligible for the extra Covid-19 coverage!