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Blog - Page 8 of 9 - Dollar Knots
As A Muslim, How Does Faraidh Division Work?

Financial Thoughts As A Muslim, How Does Faraidh Division Work? Let’s begin by shedding some light on what Faraidh is. Faraidh is the division of assets to one’s legal beneficiaries in accordance with certain fixed calculations i.e. Muslim Inheritance Law. In Singapore, this is governed under the Administration of Muslim Law Act (AMLA). Everyone has heard […]

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What Happens When My Parents Pass On?

Financial Thoughts What Happens When My Parents Pass On? This a topic that most of us choose not to talk about. To be fair, who wants to discuss something that is going to affect you emotionally. Who is, in fact, ready for when that day arrives, where your own parents are no longer around? It […]

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Process Of Buying A Resale Flat

HOUSING MATTERS Process Of Buying A Resale Flat For couples who just got married, the next phase of their lives would be finding a place to stay. In other words, they would want to buy their first home. Thankfully in Singapore, there are so many options that are available. The most important factor would be […]

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Process Of Buying A Build-To-Order (BTO) Flat

HOUSING MATTERS Process Of Buying A Build-To-Order (BTO) Flat You and your partner are planning to settle down and you both know that you will need to purchase a house in the near future. In Singapore, we are fortunate that we are actually able to buy a house. The ability to use our CPF monies […]

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3 Facts About Your CPF Account

UNDERSTANDING CPF 3 Facts About Your CPF Account Central Provident Fund (CPF) is what most Singaporeans will think is like another bank account that is used for their retirement in the future or is just that 20% of your wages being put aside every month. Well here is some information that you might have not […]

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